Output *make(const File &file, const FileList &targetFiles, const FileList &queryFiles)

Make an Output from a string and lists of target and query files. This function calls initialize, which should be overloaded by derived classes to handle initialization. The provided file is first split using File::split and each resulting file is turned into an Output that is stored in a linked-list.

  • function definition:

    static Output *make(const File &file, const FileList &targetFiles, const FileList &queryFiles)
  • parameters:

    Parameter Type Description
    file const File & File describing the output or outputs to construct
    targetFiles const FileList & List of files representing the target templates
    queryFiles const FileList & List of files representing the query templates
  • output: (Output *) Returns a pointer to the first output in the linked list

  • example:
    TemplateList targets = TemplateList() << Template("target1.jpg") << Template("target2.jpg") << Template("target3.jpg");
    TemplateList queries = TemplateList() << Template("query1.jpg") << Template("query2.jpg");
    Output *output1 = Output::make("output.mtx", targets, queries); // returns a pointer to an Output at "output.mtx"
    Output *output2 = Output::make("output1.mtx;output2.mtx", targets, queries); // returns a pointer to the output created with "output1.mtx" with a pointer to the output created with "output2.mtx"