The command line API is a tool to run OpenBR from the command line. The command line is the easiest and fastest way to run OpenBR!

The following is a detailed description of the command line API. The command line API is really just a set of wrappers to call the C API. All of the flags in this API have a corresponding C API call. To help display the examples the following shorthand definitions will be used:

Shortcut Definition
<arg> <> Represent an input argument
{arg} {} Represent an output argument
[arg] [] Represent an optional argument
(arg0 | ... | argN) (... | ...) Represent a choice.


Almost every command line process needs to specify an algorithm to work properly. Algorithms in OpenBR are described in detail here. To specify algorithms to the command line use the -algorithm flag like so:

    -algorithm "AlgorithmString"

Make sure you use the quotes if your algorithm is longer than one plugin because special characters in OpenBR are also special characters (with very different meanings!) in Bash.

Core Commands


Train a model

  • arguments:

    -train <gallery> ... <gallery> [{model}]
  • wraps: br_train_n


Enroll a Gallery through an algorithm

  • arguments:

    -enroll <input_gallery> ... <input_gallery> {output_gallery}
  • wraps: br_enroll or br_enroll_n depending on the input size


Compare query Templates against a target Gallery

  • arguments:

    -compare <target_gallery> <query_gallery> [{output}]
  • wraps: br_compare



  • arguments:

    -pairwiseCompare <target_gallery> <query_gallery> [{output}]
  • wraps: br_pairwise_compare


Evaluate a similarity matrix

  • arguments:

    -eval <simmat> [<mask>] [{csv}] [{matches}]
  • wraps: br_eval



  • arguments:

    -inplaceEval <simmat> <target> <query> [{output}]
  • wraps: br_inplace_eval


Plot the results of an evaluation

  • arguments:

           -plot <file> ... <file> {destination}
  • wraps: br_plot

Other Commands


Perform score level fusion on similarity matrices.

  • arguments:

    -fuse <simmat> ... <simmat> (None|MinMax|ZScore|WScore) (Min|Max|Sum[W1:W2:...:Wn]|Replace|Difference|None) {simmat}
  • wraps: br_fuse


Clusters one or more similarity matrices into a list of subjects

  • arguments:

    -cluster <simmat> ... <simmat> <aggressiveness> {csv}
  • wraps: br_cluster


Constructs a mask from target and query inputs

  • arguments:

    -makeMask <target_gallery> <query_gallery> {mask}
  • wraps: br_make_mask


Constructs a mask from target and query inputs considering the target and input sets to be definite pairwise comparisons.


Combines several equal-sized mask matrices. A comparison may not be simultaneously indentified as both a genuine and an imposter by different input masks.

  • arguments:

    -combineMasks <mask> ... <mask> {mask} (And|Or)
  • wraps: br_combine_masks


Concatenates a list of galleries into 1 gallery

  • arguments:

    -cat <gallery> ... <gallery> {gallery}
  • wraps: br_cat


Convert a file to a different type. Files can only be converted to types within the same group. For example formats can only be converted to other formats.

  • arguments:

    -convert (Format|Gallery|Output) <input_file> {output_file}
  • wraps: br_convert


Evaluates and prints classification accuracy to terminal

  • arguments:

    -evalClassification <predicted_gallery> <truth_gallery> <predicted property name> <ground truth property name>
  • wraps: br_eval_classification


Evaluates and prints clustering accuracy to the terminal


Evaluates and prints detection accuracy to terminal

  • arguments:

    -evalDetection <predicted_gallery> <truth_gallery> [{csv}] [{normalize}] [{minSize}] [{maxSize}]
  • wraps: br_eval_detection


Evaluates and prints landmarking accuracy to terminal

  • arguments:

    -evalLandmarking <predicted_gallery> <truth_gallery> [{csv} [<normalization_index_a> <normalization_index_b>] [sample_index] [total_examples]]
  • wraps: br_eval_landmarking


Evaluates regression accuracy to disk

  • arguments:

    -evalRegression <predicted_gallery> <truth_gallery> <predicted property name> <ground truth property name>
  • wraps: br_eval_regression


Evaluates the similarity matrix using the mask matrix. Function aborts if TAR @ FAR = 0.001 does not meet an expected performance value.

  • arguments:

    -assertEval <simmat> <mask> <accuracy>
  • wraps: br_assert_eval


Renders detection performance figures for a set of .csv files created by -evalDetection.


Renders landmarking performance figures for a set of .csv files created by -evalLandmarking


Renders metadata figures for a set of .csv files with specified columns


A naive alternative to -enroll

  • arguments:

    -project <input_gallery> {output_gallery}
  • wraps: br_project


Retrieve the target and query inputs in the BEE matrix header


Update the target and query inputs in the BEE matrix header

  • arguments:

    -setHeader {<matrix>} <target_gallery> <query_gallery>
  • wraps: br_set_header

-<key> <value>

Appends a provided value to the global metadata using a provided key



Print command line API documentation to the terminal

  • arguments:

  • wraps: N/A


If this flag is set OpenBR will enable GUI windows to be launched. It must be the first flag set.

  • arguments:

    br -gui
  • wraps: N/A


Returns names and parameters for the requested objects. Each object is newline separated. Arguments are separated from the object name with a tab. This function uses QRegExp syntax

  • arguments:

    -objects [abstraction [implementation]]
  • wraps: br_objects


Get a string with the name, version, and copyright of the project. This string is suitable for printing or terminal


Get the current OpenBR version


For internal use via ProcessWrapperTransform



  • arguments:

    -daemon <daemon_pipe>
  • wraps: N/A


Exit the application

  • arguments:

  • wraps: N/A