operator QString()

Convenience function that allows Files to be used as QStrings

  • function definition:

    inline operator QString() const
  • parameters: NONE

  • output: (QString) returns name.

QString flat()

Function to output files in string formats.

  • function definition:

    QString flat() const
  • parameters: NONE

  • output: (QString) returns the file name and metadata as a formated string. The format is filename[key1=value1,key2=value2,...keyN=valueN].
  • example:
    File file("picture.jpg");
    file.set("Key1", QVariant::fromValue<float>(1));
    file.set("Key2", QVariant::fromValue<float>(2));
    file.flat(); // returns "picture.jpg[Key1=1,Key2=2]"

QString hash()

Function to output a hash of the file.

  • function definition:

    QString hash() const
  • parameters: NONE

  • output: (QString) Returns a hash of the file.
  • example:
    File file("../path/to/pictures/picture.jpg");
    file.set("Key1", QVariant::fromValue<float>(1));
    file.set("Key2", QVariant::fromValue<float>(2));
    file.hash(); // returns "kElVwY"

QStringList localKeys()

Function to get the private metadata keys.

  • function definition:

    inline QStringList localKeys() const
  • parameters: NONE

  • output: (QStringList) Returns a list of the local metadata keys. They are called local because they do not include the keys in the global metadata.
  • example:

    File file("../path/to/pictures/picture.jpg"); file.set("Key1", QVariant::fromValue(1)); file.set("Key2", QVariant::fromValue(2));

    file.localKeys(); // returns [Key1, Key2]

QVariantMap localMetadata()

Function to get the private metadata.

  • function definition:

    inline QVariantMap localMetadata() const
  • parameters: NONE

  • output: (QVariantMap) Returns the local metadata.
  • example:
    File file("../path/to/pictures/picture.jpg");
    file.set("Key1", QVariant::fromValue<float>(1));
    file.set("Key2", QVariant::fromValue<float>(2));
    file.localMetadata(); // return QMap(("Key1", QVariant(float, 1)) ("Key2", QVariant(float, 2)))

void append(const QVariantMap &localMetadata)

Add new metadata fields to metadata.

  • function definition:

    void append(const QVariantMap &localMetadata)
  • parameters:

    Parameter Type Description
    localMetadata const QVariantMap & metadata to append to the local metadata
  • output: (void)

  • example:
    File f();
    f.set("Key1", QVariant::fromValue<float>(1));
    QVariantMap map;
    map.insert("Key2", QVariant::fromValue<float>(2));
    map.insert("Key3", QVariant::fromValue<float>(3));
    f.flat(); // returns "[Key1=1, Key2=2, Key3=3]"

void append(const File &other)

Append another file using the ; separator. The File names are combined with the separator in between them. The metadata fields are combined. An additional field describing the separator is appended to the metadata.

  • function definition:

    void append(const File &other)
  • parameters:

    Parameter Type Description
    other const File & File to append
  • output: (void)

  • example:
    File f1("../path/to/pictures/picture1.jpg");
    f1.set("Key1", QVariant::fromValue<float>(1));
    File f2("../path/to/pictures/picture2.jpg");
    f2.set("Key2", QVariant::fromValue<float>(2));
    f2.set("Key3", QVariant::fromValue<float>(3));
    f1.name; // return "../path/to/pictures/picture1.jpg;../path/to/pictures/picture2.jpg"
    f1.localKeys(); // returns "[Key1, Key2, Key3, separator]"

File &operator+=(const QMap<QString, QVariant> &other)

Shortcut operator to call append.

  • function definition:

    inline File &operator+=(const QMap<QString, QVariant> &other)
  • parameters:

    Parameter | Type | Description other | const QMap<QString, QVariant> & | Metadata map to append to the local metadata

  • output: (File &) Returns a reference to this file after the append occurs.

  • example:
    File f();
    f.set("Key1", QVariant::fromValue<float>(1));
    QMap<QString, QVariant> map;
    map.insert("Key2", QVariant::fromValue<float>(2));
    map.insert("Key3", QVariant::fromValue<float>(3));
    f += map;
    f.flat(); // returns "[Key1=1, Key2=2, Key3=3]"

File &operator+=(const File &other)

Shortcut operator to call append.

  • function definition:

    inline File &operator+=(const File &other)
  • parameters:

    Parameter | Type | Description other | const File & | File to append

  • output: (File &) Returns a reference to this file after the append occurs.

  • example:
    File f1("../path/to/pictures/picture1.jpg");
    f1.set("Key1", QVariant::fromValue<float>(1));
    File f2("../path/to/pictures/picture2.jpg");
    f2.set("Key2", QVariant::fromValue<float>(2));
    f2.set("Key3", QVariant::fromValue<float>(3));
    f1 += f2;
    f1.name; // return "../path/to/pictures/picture1.jpg;../path/to/pictures/picture2.jpg"
    f1.localKeys(); // returns "[Key1, Key2, Key3, separator]"

QList<File> split()

This function splits the File into multiple files and returns them as a list. This is done by parsing the file name and splitting on the separator located at metadata["separator"]. If "separator" is not a metadata key, the returned list has the original file as the only entry. Each new file has the same metadata as the original, pre-split, file.

  • function definition:

    QList<File> split() const
  • parameters: None

  • output: (QList<File>) List of split files
  • example:
    File f1("../path/to/pictures/picture1.jpg");
    f1.set("Key1", QVariant::fromValue<float>(1));
    f1.split(); // returns [../path/to/pictures/picture1.jpg[Key1=1]]
    File f2("../path/to/pictures/picture2.jpg");
    f2.set("Key2", QVariant::fromValue<float>(2));
    f2.set("Key3", QVariant::fromValue<float>(3));
    f1.split(); // returns [../path/to/pictures/picture1.jpg[Key1=1, Key2=2, Key3=3, separator=;],
                //          ../path/to/pictures/picture2.jpg[Key1=1, Key2=2, Key3=3, separator=;]]

QList<File> split(const QString &separator)

This function splits the file into multiple files and returns them as a list. This is done by parsing the file name and splitting on the given separator. Each new file has the same metadata as the original, pre-split, file.

  • function definition:

    QList<File> split(const QString &separator) const
  • parameters:

    Parameter Type Description
    separator const QString & Separator to split the file name on
  • output: (QList<File>) List of split files

  • example:
    File f("../path/to/pictures/picture1.jpg,../path/to/pictures/picture2.jpg");
    f.set("Key1", QVariant::fromValue<float>(1));
    f.set("Key2", QVariant::fromValue<float>(2));
    f.split(","); // returns [../path/to/pictures/picture1.jpg[Key1=1, Key2=2],
                              ../path/to/pictures/picture2.jpg[Key1=1, Key2=2]]

void setParameter(int index, const QVariant &value)

Insert a keyless value into the metadata. Generic key of "ArgN" is used, where N is given as a parameter.

  • function definition:

    inline void setParameter(int index, const QVariant &value)
  • parameters:

    Parameter Type Description
    index int Number to append to generic key
    value const QVariant & Value to add to the metadata
  • output: (void)

  • see: containsParameter, getParameter
  • example:
    File f;
    f.set("Key1", QVariant::fromValue<float>(1));
    f.set("Key2", QVariant::fromValue<float>(2));
    f.setParameter(1, QVariant::fromValue<float>(3));
    f.setParameter(5, QVariant::fromValue<float>(4));
    f.flat(); // returns "[Key1=1, Key2=2, Arg1=3, Arg5=4]"

bool containsParameter(int index)

Check if the local metadata contains a keyless value.

  • function definition:

    inline bool containsParameter(int index) const
  • parameters:

    Parameter Type Description
    index int Index of the keyless value to check for
  • output: (bool) Returns true if the local metadata contains the keyless value, otherwise reutrns false.

  • see: setParameter, getParameter
  • example:
    File f;
    f.setParameter(1, QVariant::fromValue<float>(1));
    f.setParameter(2, QVariant::fromValue<float>(2));
    f.containsParameter(1); // returns true
    f.containsParameter(2); // returns true
    f.containsParameter(3); // returns false

QVariant getParameter(int index)

Get a keyless value from the local metadata. If the value does not exist an error is thrown.

  • function definition:

    inline QVariant getParameter(int index) const
  • parameter:

    Parameter Type Description
    index int Index of the keyless value to look up. If the index does not exist an error is thrown.
  • output: (QVariant) Returns the keyless value associated with the given index

  • see: setParameter, containsParameter
  • example:
    File f;
    f.setParameter(1, QVariant::fromValue<float>(1));
    f.setParameter(2, QVariant::fromValue<float>(2));
    f.getParameter(1); // returns 1
    f.getParameter(2); // returns 2
    f.getParameter(3); // error: index does not exist

bool operator==(const char *other)

Compare name against a c-style string.

  • function definition:

    inline bool operator==(const char *other) const
  • parameters:

    Parameter Type Description
    other const char * C-style string to compare against
  • output: (bool) Returns true if the strings are equal, false otherwise.

  • example:
    File f("picture.jpg");
    f == "picture.jpg";       // returns true
    f == "other_picture.jpg"; // returns false

bool operator==(const File &other)

Compare name and metadata against another file name and metadata.

  • function definition:

    inline bool operator==(const File &other) const
  • parameters:

    Parameter Type Description
    other const File & File to compare against
  • output: (bool) Returns true if the names and metadata are equal, false otherwise.

  • example:
    File f1("picture1.jpg");
    File f2("picture1.jpg");
    f1 == f2; // returns true
    f1.set("Key1", QVariant::fromValue<float>(1));
    f2.set("Key2", QVariant::fromValue<float>(2));
    f1 == f2; // returns false (metadata doesn't match)

bool operator!=(const File &other)

Compare name and metadata against another file name and metadata.

  • function definition:

    inline bool operator!=(const File &other) const
  • parameters:

    Parameter Type Description
    other const File & File to compare against
  • output: (bool) Returns true if the names and metadata are not equal, false otherwise.

  • example:
    File f1("picture1.jpg");
    File f2("picture1.jpg");
    f1 != f2; // returns false
    f1.set("Key1", QVariant::fromValue<float>(1));
    f2.set("Key2", QVariant::fromValue<float>(2));
    f1 != f2; // returns true (metadata doesn't match)

bool operator<(const File &other)

Compare name against another file name.

  • function definition:

    inline bool operator<(const File &other) const
  • parameters:

    Parameter Type Description
    other const File & File to compare against
  • output: (bool) Returns true if name < others.name

bool operator<=(const File &other)

Compare name against another file name.

  • function definition:

    inline bool operator<=(const File &other) const
  • parameters:

    Parameter Type Description
    other const File & File to compare against
  • output: (bool) Returns true if name <= others.name

bool operator>(const File &other)

Compare name against another file name.

  • function definition:

    inline bool operator>(const File &other) const
  • parameters:

    Parameter Type Description
    other const File & File to compare against
  • output: (bool) Returns true if name > others.name

bool operator>=(const File &other)

Compare name against another file name.

  • function definition:

    inline bool operator>=(const File &other) const
  • parameters:

    Parameter Type Description
    other const File & File to compare against
  • output: (bool) Returns true if name >= others.name

bool isNull()

Check if the file is null.

  • function definition:

    inline bool isNull() const
  • parameters: NONE

  • output: (bool) Returns true if name and metadata are empty, false otherwise.
  • example:
    File f;
    f.isNull(); // returns true
    f.set("Key1", QVariant::fromValue<float>(1));
    f.isNull(); // returns false

bool isTerminal()

Checks if the value of name == "terminal".

  • function definition:

    inline bool isTerminal() const
  • parameters: NONE

  • output: (bool) Returns true if name == "terminal", false otherwise.
  • example:
    File f1("terminal"), f2("not_terminal");
    f1.isTerminal(); // returns true
    f2.isTerminal(); // returns false

bool exists()

Check if the file exists on disk.

  • function definition:

    inline bool exists() const
  • parameters: NONE

  • output: Returns true if name exists on disk, false otherwise.
  • example:

    File f1("/path/to/file/that/exists"), f2("/path/to/non/existant/file");

    f1.exists(); // returns true f2.exists(); // returns false

QString fileName()

Get the file's base name and extension.

  • function definition:

    inline QString fileName() const
  • parameters: NONE

  • output: (QString) Returns the base name + extension of name
  • example:
    File file("../path/to/pictures/picture.jpg");
    file.fileName(); // returns "picture.jpg"

QString baseName()

Get the file's base name.

  • function definition:

    inline QString baseName() const
  • parameters: NONE

  • output: (QString) Returns the base name of name
  • example:
    File file("../path/to/pictures/picture.jpg");
    file.baseName(); // returns "picture"

QString suffix()

Get the file's extension.

  • function definition:

    inline QString suffix() const
  • parameters: NONE

  • output: (QString) Returns the extension of name
  • example:
    File file("../path/to/pictures/picture.jpg");
    file.suffix(); // returns "jpg"

QString path()

Get the path of the file without the name.

  • function definition:

    inline QString path() const
  • parameters: NONE

  • output: (QString) Returns the path of name.
  • example:
    File file("../path/to/pictures/picture.jpg");
    file.suffix(); // returns "../path/to/pictures"

QString resolved()

Get the full path for the file. This is done in three steps:

  1. If name exists, return name.
  2. Prepend each path stored in Globals->path to name. If the combined name exists then it is returned.
  3. Prepend each path stored in Globals->path to fileName. If the combined name exists then it is returned.

If none of the attempted names exist, name is returned unmodified.

  • function definition:

    QString resolved() const
  • parameters: NONE

  • output: (QString) Returns the resolved string if it can be created. Otherwise it returns name

bool contains(const QString &key)

Check if a given key is in the local metadata.

  • function definition:

    bool contains(const QString &key) const
  • parameters:

    Parameter Type Description
    key const QString & Key to check the metadata for
  • output: (bool) Returns true if the given key is in the metadata, false otherwise.

  • example:
    File file;
    file.set("Key1", QVariant::fromValue<float>(1));
    file.contains("Key1"); // returns true
    file.contains("Key2"); // returns false

bool contains(const QStringList &keys)

Check if a list of keys is in the local metadata.

  • function definition:

    bool contains(const QStringList &keys) const
  • parameters:

    Parameter Type Description
    keys const QStringList & Keys to check the metadata for
  • output: (bool) Returns true if all of the given keys are in the metadata, false otherwise.

  • example:
    File file;
    file.set("Key1", QVariant::fromValue<float>(1));
    file.set("Key2", QVariant::fromValue<float>(2));
    file.contains(QStringList("Key1")); // returns true
    file.contains(QStringList() << "Key1" << "Key2") // returns true
    file.contains(QStringList() << "Key1" << "Key3"); // returns false

QVariant value(const QString &key)

Get the value associated with a given key from the metadata. If the key is not found in the local metadata, the global metadata is searched. In a special case, the key can be "name". This returns the file's name.

  • function description:

    QVariant value(const QString &key) const
  • parameters:

    Parameter Type Description
    key const QString & Key to look up the value in the local metadata or global metadata. The key can also be "name".
  • output: (QVariant) Returns the key associated with the value from either the local or global metadata. If the key is "name", name is returned.

  • example:
    File file;
    file.set("Key1", QVariant::fromValue<float>(1));
    file.value("Key1"); // returns QVariant(float, 1)

void set(const QString &key, const QVariant &value)

Insert a value into the metadata using a provided key. If the key already exists the new value will override the old one.

  • function description:

    inline void set(const QString &key, const QVariant &value)
  • parameters:

    Parameters Type Description
    key const QString & Key to store the given value in the metadata
    value const QVariant & Value to be stored
  • output: (void)

  • example:
    File f;
    f.flat(); // returns ""
    f.set("Key1", QVariant::fromValue<float>(1));
    f.flat(); // returns "[Key1=1]"

void set(const QString &key, const QString &value)

Insert a value into the metadata using a provided key. If the key already exists the new value will override the old one.

  • function description:

    void set(const QString &key, const QString &value)
  • parameters:

    Parameters Type Description
    key const QString & Key to store the given value in the metadata
    value const QString & Value to be stored
  • output: (void)

  • example:
    File f;
    f.flat(); // returns ""
    f.set("Key1", QString("1"));
    f.flat(); // returns "[Key1=1]"

void setList(const QString &key, const QList<T> &value)

Insert a list into the metadata using a provided key. If the key already exists the new value will override the old one. The value should be queried with getList instead of get.

  • function description:

    template <typename T> void setList(const QString &key, const QList<T> &value)
  • parameters:

    Parameter Type Description
    key const QString & Key to store the given value in the metadata
    value const QList<T> List to be stored
  • output: (void)

  • see: getList, get
  • example:
    File file;
    QList<float> list = QList<float>() << 1 << 2 << 3;
    file.setList<float>("List", list);
    file.getList<float>("List"); // return [1., 2. 3.]

void remove(const QString &key)

Remove a key-value pair from the metadata

  • function description:

    inline void remove(const QString &key)
  • parameters:

    Parameter Type Description
    key const QString & Key to be removed from metadata along with its associated value.
  • output: (void)

  • example:
    File f;
    f.set("Key1", QVariant::fromValue<float>(1));
    f.set("Key2", QVariant::fromValue<float>(2));
    f.flat(); // returns "[Key1=1, Key2=2]"
    f.flat(); // returns "[Key2=2]"

T get(const QString &key)

Get a value from the metadata using a provided key. If the key does not exist or the value cannot be converted to a user specified type an error is thrown.

  • function definition:

    template <typename T> T get(const QString &key) const
  • parameters:

    Parameter Type Description
    key const QString & Key to retrieve a value from metadata
  • output: (T) Returns a value of type T. T is a user specified type. The value associated with the given key must be convertable to T.

  • see: get, getList
  • example:
    File f;
    f.set("Key1", QVariant::fromValue<float>(1));
    f.get<float>("Key1");  // returns 1
    f.get<float>("Key2");  // Error: Key2 is not in the metadata
    f.get<QRectF>("Key1"); // Error: A float can't be converted to a QRectF

T get(const QString &key, const T &defaultValue)

Get a value from the metadata using a provided key. If the key does not exist or the value cannot be converted to user specified type a provided default value is returned instead.

  • function definition:

    template <typename T> T get(const QString &key, const T &defaultValue)
  • parameters:

    Parameter Type Description
    key const QString & Key to retrieve a value from the metadata
    defaultValue const T & Default value to be returned if the key does not exist or found value cannot be converted to T. T is a user specified type.
  • output: (T) Returns a value of type T. T is a user specified type. If the value associated with the key is invalid, the provided default value is returned instead.

  • see: get, getList
  • example:
    File f;
    f.set("Key1", QVariant::fromValue<float>(1));
    f.get<float>("Key1", 5);  // returns 1
    f.get<float>("Key2", 5);  // returns 5
    f.get<QRectF>("Key1", QRectF(0, 0, 10, 10)); // returns QRectF(0, 0, 10x10)

bool getBool(const QString &key, bool defaultValue = false)

Get a boolean value from the metadata using a provided key. If the key is not in the metadata a provided default value is returned. If the key is in the metadata but the value cannot be converted to a bool true is returned. If the key is found and the value can be converted to a bool the value is returned.

  • function definition:

    bool getBool(const QString &key, bool defaultValue = false) const
  • parameters:

    Parameter Type Description
    key const QString & Key to retrieve a value from the metadata
    defaultValue bool (Optional) Default value to be returned if the key is not in the metadata.
  • output: (bool) If the key is not in the metadata the provided default value is returned. If the key is in the metadata but the associated value cannot be converted to a bool true is returned. If the key is in the metadata and the associated value can be converted to a bool, that value is returned.

  • see: get
  • example:
    File f;
    f.set("Key1", QVariant::fromValue<bool>(true));
    f.set("Key2", QVariant::fromValue<float>(10));
    f.getBool("Key1");       // returns true
    f.getBool("Key2")        // returns true (key found)
    f.getBool("Key3");       // returns false (default value)
    f.getBool("Key3", true); // returns true (default value)

QList<T> getList(const QString &key)

Get a list from the metadata using a provided key. If the key does not exist or the elements of the list cannot be converted to a user specified type an error is thrown.

  • function definition:

    template <typename T> QList<T> getList(const QString &key) const
  • parameters:

    Parameter Type Description
    key const QString & Key to retrieve a value from the metadata
  • output: (QList<T>) Returns a list of values of a user specified type.

  • see: setList, get
  • example:
    File file;
    QList<float> list = QList<float>() << 1 << 2 << 3;
    file.setList<float>("List", list);
    file.getList<float>("List");  // return [1., 2. 3.]
    file.getList<QRectF>("List"); // Error: float cannot be converted to QRectF
    file.getList<float>("Key");   // Error: key doesn't exist

QList<T> getList(const QString &key, const QList<T> defaultValue)

Get a list from the metadata using a provided key. If the key does not exist or the elements of the list cannot be converted to a user specified type a provided default value is returned.

  • function definition:

template QList getList(const QString &key, const QList defaultValue) const

  • parameters:

    Parameter Type Description
    key const QString & Key to retrieve a value from the metadata
    defaultValue QList<T (Optional) Default value to be returned if the key is not in the metadata.
  • output: (QList<T>) Returns a list of values of user specified type. If key is not in the metadata or if the value cannot be converted to a QList<T> the default value is returned.

  • see: getList
  • example:
    File file;
    QList<float> list = QList<float>() << 1 << 2 << 3;
    file.setList<float>("List", list);
    file.getList<float>("List", QList<float>());                  // return [1., 2. 3.]
    file.getList<QRectF>("List", QList<QRectF>());                // return []
    file.getList<float>("Key", QList<float>() << 1 << 2 << 3);    // return [1., 2., 3.]

QList<QPointF> namedPoints()

Find values in the metadata that can be converted into QPointF's. Values stored as QList<QPointF> will not* be returned.

  • function definition:

    QList<QPointF> namedPoints() const
  • parameters: NONE

  • output: (QList<QPointF>) Returns a list of points that can be converted from metadata values.
  • example:
    File file;
    file.set("Key1", QVariant::fromValue<QPointF>(QPointF(1, 1)));
    file.set("Key2", QVariant::fromValue<QPointF>(QPointF(2, 2)));
    file.set("Points", QVariant::fromValue<QPointF>(QPointF(3, 3)))
    f.namedPoints(); // returns [QPointF(1, 1), QPointF(2, 2), QPointF(3, 3)]
    file.setPoints(QList<QPointF>() << QPointF(3, 3)); // changes metadata["Points"] to QList<QPointF>
    f.namedPoints(); // returns [QPointF(1, 1), QPointF(2, 2)]

QList<QPointF> points()

Get values stored in the metadata with key "Points". It is expected that this field holds a QList<QPointf>>.

  • function definition:

    QList<QPointF> points() const
  • parameters: NONE

  • output: (QList<QPointf>>) Returns a list of points stored at metadata["Points"]
  • see: appendPoint, appendPoints, clearPoints, setPoints
  • example:
    File file;
    file.set("Points", QVariant::fromValue<QPointF>(QPointF(1, 1)));
    file.points(); // returns [] (point is not in a list)
    file.setPoints(QList<QPointF>() << QPointF(2, 2));
    file.points(); // returns [QPointF(2, 2)]

void appendPoint(const QPointF &point)

Append a point to the QList<QPointF> stored at metadata["Points"].

  • function definition:

    void appendPoint(const QPointF &point)
  • parameters:

    Parameter Type Description
    point const QPoint & Point to be appended
  • output: (void)

  • example:
    File file;
    file.points(); // returns []
    file.appendPoint(QPointF(1, 1));
    file.points(); // returns [QPointF(1, 1)]

void appendPoints(const QList<QPointF> &points)

Append a list of points to the QList<QPointF> stored at metadata["Points"].

  • function definition:

    void appendPoints(const QList<QPointF> &points)
  • parameters:

    Parameter Type Description
    points const QList<QPointF> & List of points to be appended
  • output: (void)

  • example:
    File file;
    file.points(); // returns []
    file.appendPoints(QList<QPointF>() << QPointF(1, 1) << QPointF(2, 2));
    file.points(); // returns [QPointF(1, 1), QPointF(2, 2)]

void clearPoints()

Remove all points stored at metadata["Points"].

  • function definition:

    inline void clearPoints()
  • parameters: NONE

  • output: (void)
  • example:
    File file;
    file.appendPoints(QList<QPointF>() << QPointF(1, 1) << QPointF(2, 2));
    file.points(); // returns [QPointF(1, 1), QPointF(2, 2)]
    file.points(); // returns []

void setPoints(const QList<QPointF> &points)

Replace the points stored at metadata["Points"]

  • function definition:

    inline void setPoints(const QList<QPointF> &points)
  • parameters:

    Parameter Type Description
    points const QList<QPointF> & Points to overwrite metadata with
  • output: (void)

  • example:
    File file;
    file.appendPoints(QList<QPointF>() << QPointF(1, 1) << QPointF(2, 2));
    file.points(); // returns [QPointF(1, 1), QPointF(2, 2)]
    file.setPoints(QList<QPointF>() << QPointF(3, 3) << QPointF(4, 4));
    file.points(); // returns [QPointF(3, 3), QPointF(4, 4)]

QList<QRectF> namedRects()

Find values in the metadata that can be converted into QRectF's. Values stored as QList<QRectF> will not* be returned.

  • function definition:

    QList<QRectF> namedRects() const
  • parameters: NONE

  • output: (QList<QRectF>) Returns a list of rects that can be converted from metadata values.
  • example:
    File file;
    file.set("Key1", QVariant::fromValue<QRectF>(QRectF(1, 1, 5, 5)));
    file.set("Key2", QVariant::fromValue<QRectF>(QRectF(2, 2, 5, 5)));
    file.set("Rects", QVariant::fromValue<QRectF>(QRectF(3, 3, 5, 5)));
    f.namedRects(); // returns [QRectF(1, 1, 5x5), QRectF(2, 2, 5x5), QRectF(3, 3, 5x5)]
    file.setRects(QList<QRectF>() << QRectF(3, 3, 5x5)); // changes metadata["Rects"] to QList<QRectF>
    f.namedRects(); // returns [QRectF(1, 1, 5x5), QRectF(2, 2, 5x5)]

QList<QRectF> rects()

Get values stored at metadata["Rects"]. It is expected that this field holds a QList<QRectf>>.

  • function definition:

    QList<QRectF> points() const
  • parameters: NONE

  • output: (QList<QRectf>>) Returns a list of rects stored at metadata["Rects"]
  • see: appendRect, appendRects, clearRects, setRects
  • example:
    File file;
    file.set("Rects", QVariant::fromValue<QRectF>(QRectF(1, 1, 5, 5)));
    file.rects(); // returns [] (rect is not in a list)
    file.setRects(QList<QRectF>() << QRectF(2, 2, 5, 5));
    file.rects(); // returns [QRectF(2, 2, 5x5)]

void appendRect(const QRectF &rect)

Append a rect to the QList<QRectF> stored at metadata["Rects"].

  • function definition:

    void appendRect(const QRectF &rect)
  • parameters:

    Parameter Type Description
    rect const [QRect][QRect] & Rect to be appended
  • output: (void)

  • example:
    File file;
    file.rects(); // returns []
    file.appendRect(QRectF(1, 1, 5, 5));
    file.rects(); // returns [QRectF(1, 1, 5x5)]

void appendRect(const Rect &rect)

Append an OpenCV-style Rect to the QList<QRectF> stored at metadata["Rects"]. Supplied OpenCV-style rects are converted to QRectF before being appended.

  • function definition:

    void appendRect(const Rect &rect)
  • parameters:

    Parameter Type Description
    rect const Rect & OpenCV-style rect to be appended
  • output: (void)

  • example:
    File file;
    file.rects(); // returns []
    file.appendRect(cv::Rect(1, 1, 5, 5)); // automatically converted to QRectF
    file.rects(); // returns [QRectF(1, 1, 5x5)]

void appendRects(const QList<QRectF> &rects)

Append a list of rects to the QList<QRectF> stored at metadata["Rects"].

  • function definition:

    void appendRects(const QList<QRectF> &rects)
  • parameters:

    Parameter Type Description
    rects const QList<QRectF> & List of rects to be appended
  • output: (void)

  • example:
    File file;
    file.rects(); // returns []
    file.appendRects(QList<QRectF>() << QRectF(1, 1, 5, 5) << QRectF(2, 2, 5, 5));
    file.rects(); // returns [QRectF(1, 1, 5x5), QRectF(2, 2, 5x5)]

void appendRects(const QList<QRectF> &rects)

Append a list of OpenCV-style Rects to the QList<QRectF> stored at metadata["Rects"]. Supplied OpenCV-style rects are converted to QRectF before being appended.

  • function definition:

    void appendRects(const QList<QRectF> &rects)
  • parameters:

    Parameter Type Description
    rects const QList<Rect> & List of OpenCV-style rects to be appended
  • output: (void)

  • example:
    File file;
    file.rects(); // returns []
    file.appendRects(QList<Rect>() << Rect(1, 1, 5, 5) << Rect(2, 2, 5, 5));
    file.rects(); // returns [QRectF(1, 1, 5x5), QRectF(2, 2, 5x5)]

void clearRects()

Remove all points stored at metadata["Rects"].

  • function definition:

    inline void clearRects()
  • parameters: NONE

  • output: (void)
  • example:
    File file;
    file.appendRects(QList<QRectF>() << QRectF(1, 1, 5, 5) << QRectF(2, 2, 5, 5));
    file.rects(); // returns [QRectF(1, 1, 5x5), QRectF(2, 2, 5x5)]
    file.rects(); // returns []

void setRects(const QList<QRectF> &rects)

Replace the rects stored at metadata with a provided list of rects.

  • function definition:

    inline void setRects(const QList<QRectF> &rects)
  • parameters:

    Parameter Type Description
    rects const QList<QRectF> & Rects to overwrite metadata["Rects"] with
  • output: (void)

  • example:
    File file;
    file.appendRects(QList<QRectF>() << QRectF(1, 1, 5, 5) << QRectF(2, 2, 5, 5));
    file.rects(); // returns [QRectF(1, 1, 5x5), QRectF(2, 2, 5x5)]
    file.setRects(QList<QRectF>() << QRectF(3, 3, 5, 5) << QRectF(4, 4, 5, 5));
    file.rects(); // returns [QRectF(3, 3, 5x5), QRectF(4, 4, 5x5)]

void setRects(const QList<Rect> &rects)

Replace the rects stored at metadata with a provided list of OpenCV-style Rects.

  • function definition:

    inline void setRects(const QList<Rect> &rects)
  • parameters:

    Parameter Type Description
    rects const QList<Rect> & OpenCV-style rects to overwrite metadata["Rects"] with
  • output: (void)

  • example:
    File file;
    file.appendRects(QList<cv::Rect>() << cv::Rect(1, 1, 5, 5) << cv::Rect(2, 2, 5, 5));
    file.rects(); // returns [QRectF(1, 1, 5x5), QRectF(2, 2, 5x5)]
    file.setRects(QList<cv::Rect>() << cv::Rect(3, 3, 5, 5) << cv::Rect(4, 4, 5, 5));
    file.rects(); // returns [QRectF(3, 3, 5x5), QRectF(4, 4, 5x5)]