
An implementation of Haar Features for Viola-Jones cascade object detection

  • file: representation/haar.cpp
  • inherits: Representation
  • author(s): Jordan Cheney
  • see: Rapid Object Detection using a Boosted Cascade of Simple Features
  • read:

    1. Paul Viola, Michael Jones
      Rapid Object Detection using a Boosted Cascade of Simple Features CVPR, 2001
  • properties:

    Property Type Description
    winWidth int The width of the input image. The total feature space is based on this and the winHeight
    winHeight int The height of the input image. The total feature space is based on this and the winWidth.


An implementation of MBLBP as an OpenBR Representation

  • file: representation/mblbp.cpp
  • inherits: Representation
  • author(s): Jordan Cheney
  • see: Learning Multi-scale Block Local Binary Patterns for Face Recognition
  • read:

    1. Shengcai Liao, Xiangxin Zhu, Zhen Lei, Lun Zhang, Stan Z. Li
      Learning Multi-scale Block Local Binary Patterns for Face Recognition ICB, 2007
  • properties:

    Property Type Description
    winWidth int The width of the input image. The total feature space is based on this and the winHeight
    winHeight int The height of the input image. The total feature space is based on this and the winWidth.


A meta Representation that creates a smaller, random feature space from the full feature space of a given representation.

  • file: representation/random.cpp
  • inherits: Representation
  • author(s): Scott Klum
  • properties:

    Property Type Description
    representation Representation* The representation from which to create the random feature space
    count int The size of the random feature space