Transform *clone()

This is a virtual function. Make a deep copy of the transform.

  • function definition:

    virtual Transform *clone() const
  • parameters: NONE

  • output: (Transform)
  • example:
    class ExampleTransform : public Transform
        Q_PROPERTY(int property READ get_property WRITE set_property RESET reset_property STORED false)
        BR_PROPERTY(int, property, 1)
    Transform *transform = Transform::make("Example", NULL);
    transform->parameters(); // returns ["property = 1"]
    Transform *clone = transform->clone();
    clone->parameters(); // returns ["property = 1"]
    transform->setProperty("property", 10);
    transform->parameters(); // returns ["property = 10"]
    clone->parameters(); // returns ["property = 1"]

void train(const TemplateList &data)

This is a virtual function. Train the transform on provided training data. This function should be overloaded for any transform that needs to be trained. Trainable must be set to true for this function to be called. If independent is true a new instance of the transform will be trained for each Mat stored in a Template in the provided training data. Each Template should have the same number of Mats.

  • function definition:

    virtual void train(const TemplateList &data)
  • parameters:

    Parameter Type Description
    data const TemplateList & Training data. The format of the data depends on the transform to be trained. In some cases the transform requires a "Label" field in each Template file's metadata (normally these are classifiers like SVM). In other cases no metadata is required and training occurs on the raw image data only.
  • output: (void)

  • example:
    // Create data for a 2-class classification problem
    Template t1("training_pic1.jpg");
    t1.file.set("Label", 0);
    Template t2("training_pic2.jpg");
    t2.file.set("Label", 0);
    Template t3("training_pic3.jpg");
    t3.file.set("Label", 1);
    Template t4("training_pic4.jpg");
    t4.file.set("Label", 1);
    TemplateList training_data(QList<Template>() << t1 << t2 << t3 << t4);
    Transform *classifier = Transform::make("DataPrep+Classifier");
    classifier->train(training_data); // The data is projected through DataPrep, assuming it is untrainable, and then passed to the train method of Classifier

void train(const QList<TemplateList> &data)

This is a virtual function. This version of train is meant for special-case, internal, transforms and for tranforms that require a specific number of templates at project time. If a transform requires a specific number of templates at project time it should be trained in batches that have the same number of templates. For example, if a transform requires exactly 5 templates when projecting it should get a list of TemplateLists, each with exactly 5 templates, at train time. Each TemplateList can then be treated as an individual input to the training function.

  • function definition:

    virtual void train(const QList &data)

  • parameters:

    Parameter Type Description
    data const QList<TemplateList> & Specially formatted list of training input. Format should match what is passed to project.
  • output: (void)

void project(const Template &src, Template &dst)

This is a pure virtual function. It must be overloaded by all derived classes. Project a template through the transform, modifying its contents in some way and storing the modified data in dst. This function has a strict Template in, Template out model. For a multiple Template in, multiple Template out model see [project]{: #project-2 }.

  • function definition:

    virtual void project(const Template &src, Template &dst) const = 0
  • parameters:

    Parameter Type Description
    src const Template & Input template. It is immutable
    dst Template & Output template. Should contain the modified data from the input template.
  • output: (void)

  • example:
    Template src("color_picture.jpg"), dst;
    Transform *color_converter = Transfrom::make("Read+Cvt(Gray)");
    color_converter->project(src, dst); // returns a grayscale image stored in dst

void project(const TemplateList &src, TemplateList &dst)

This is a virtual function. Project multiple Templates in and get multiple, modified, Templates out. Especially useful in cases like detection where the requirement is image in, multiple objects out. The default implementation calls project on each Template in src and appends the results to dst.

  • function definition:

    virtual void project(const TemplateList &src, TemplateList &dst) const
  • parameters:

    Parameter Type Description
    src const TemplateList & Input templates. It is immutable
    dst TemplateList & Output templates. Should contain the modified data from the input templates
  • output: (void)

  • example:
    TemplateList src(QList<Template>() << Template("image_with_faces.jpg")), dst;
    Transform *face_detector = Transform::make("FaceDetector");
    face_detector->project(src, dst); // dst will have one template for every face detected in src

void projectUpdate(const Template &src, Template &dst)

This is a virtual function. Very similar to project except this version is not const and can modify the internal state of the transform.

  • function definition:

    virtual void projectUpdate(const Template &src, Template &dst)
  • parameters:

    Parameter Type Description
    src const Template & Input template. It is immutable
    dst Template & Output template. Should contain the modified data from the input template.
  • output: (void)

  • example:
    class ExampleTransform : public Transform
        int internalState;
        void projectUpdate(const Template &src, Template &dst)
            dst = src;
    BR_REGISTER(Transform, ExampleTransform)
    Template src("picture.jpg"), dst;
    Transform *example = Transform::make("Example");
    example->projectUpdate(src, dst); // dst is unchanged but Example's internalState has been incremented.

void projectUpdate(const TemplateList &src, TemplateList &dst)

This is a virtual function. Very similar to project except this version is not const and can modify the internal state of the transform.

  • function definition:

    virtual void projectUpdate(const TemplateList &src, TemplateList &dst)
  • parameters:

    Parameter | Type | Description
    --- | --- | ---
    src | const [TemplateList](../templatelist/ & | Input templates. It is immutable
    dst | [TemplateList](../templatelist/ & | Output templates. Should contain the modified data from the input templates
  • output: (void)

  • example:
    class ExampleTransform : public Transform
        int internalState;
        void projectUpdate(const TemplateList &src, TemplateList &dst)
            dst = src;
    BR_REGISTER(Transform, ExampleTransform)
    TemplateList src(QList<Template>() << Template("picture.jpg")), dst;
    Transform *example = Transform::make("Example");
    example->projectUpdate(src, dst); // dst is unchanged but Example's internalState has been incremented.

void projectUpdate(Template &srcdst)

In-place version of projectUpdate.

  • function definition:

    void projectUpdate(Template &srcdst)
  • parameters:

    Parameter Type Description
    srcdst Template & Input and output template. It is overwritten with the output value after projecting
  • output: (void)

  • example:
    class ExampleTransform : public Transform
        int internalState;
        void projectUpdate(const Template &src, Template &dst)
            dst = src;
    BR_REGISTER(Transform, ExampleTransform)
    Template src("picture.jpg");
    Transform *example = Transform::make("Example");
    example->projectUpdate(src); // src is modified in-place and Example's internalState has been incremented.

void projectUpdate(TemplateList &srcdst)

In-place version of projectUpdate.

  • function definition:

    void projectUpdate(TemplateList &srcdst)
  • parameters:

    Parameter Type Description
    srcdst TemplateList & Input and output templates. It is overwritten with the output value after projecting
  • output: (void)

  • example:
    class ExampleTransform : public Transform
        int internalState;
        void projectUpdate(const TemplateList &src, TemplateList &dst)
            dst = src;
    BR_REGISTER(Transform, ExampleTransform)
    TemplateList src(QList<Template>() << Template("picture.jpg"));
    Transform *example = Transform::make("Example");
    example->projectUpdate(src); // src is modified in-place and Example's internalState has been incremented.

bool timeVarying()

This is a virtual function. Check if the transform is time varying. Time varying means the internal state of the transform needs to be updated during projection. Time varying transforms should overload this function to return true and implement projectUpdate instead of project.

  • function definition:

    virtual bool timeVarying() const
  • parameters: NONE

  • output: (bool) Returns true if the transform is time varying and false otherwise

Template operator()(const Template &src)

A convenience function to call project

  • function definition:

    inline Template operator()(const Template &src) const
  • parameters:

    Parameter Type Description
    src const Template & Input template. It is immutable.
  • output: (Template) Returns the result of calling project

  • example:
    Template src("color_picture.jpg");
    Transform *color_converter = Transfrom::make("Read+Cvt(Gray)");
    Template dst = color_converter(src); // returns a grayscale image

TemplateList operator()(const TemplateList &src)

A convenience function to call project

  • function definition:

    inline TemplateList operator()(const TemplateList &src) const
  • parameters:

    Parameter Type Description
    src const TemplateList & Input templates. It is immutable.
  • output: (TemplateList) Returns the result of calling project

  • example:
    TemplateList src(QList<Template>() << Template("color_picture.jpg"));
    Transform *color_converter = Transfrom::make("Read+Cvt(Gray)");
    TemplateList dst = color_converter(src); // returns a list of grayscale images

Transform *smartCopy(bool &newTransform)

This is a virtual function. Only TimeVaryingTransforms need to overload this method. Similar to clone, this function returns a deep copy of the transform. Unlike clone, which copies everything, this function should copy the minimum amount required so that projectUpdate can be called safely on the original instance and the copy returned by this function concurrently.

  • function definition:

    virtual Transform *smartCopy(bool &newTransform)
  • parameters:

    Parameter Type Description
    newTransform bool & True if the returned transform is newly allocated, false otherwise. This is used to handle deallocation. If newTransform is true, the caller of this function is responsible for deallocating it. If not, a QSharedPointer can wrap the output, and it will be deallocated elsewhere.
  • output: (Transform *) Returns a pointer to a deep, smart, copy of the transform

Transform *smartCopy()

Convenience function to call smartCopy without arguments

  • function definition:

    virtual Transform *smartCopy()
  • parameters: NONE

  • output: (Transform *) Returns a pointer, to a deep, smart, copy of the transform

Transform *simplify(bool &newTransform)

This is a virtual function. Get a simplified version of the transform for use at project time. The simplified version of the Transform does not include any Transforms that are only active at train time. It also removes any LoadStore transforms and keeps only their children. Transforms that only are active at train time (see DownsampleTrainingTransform as an example) should overload this function and return their children if they have any or NULL if they do not.

  • function definition:

    virtual Transform * simplify(bool &newTransform)
  • parameters:

    Parameter Type Description
    newTransform bool & True if the simplified transform is newly allocated, false otherwise. If true, the caller of this function is responsible for deallocating the transform.
  • output: (Transform *) Returns a pointer to the simplified version of the transform

  • example:
    Transform *transform = Transform::make("DataProcessing+DownsampleTraining(Example)+<ModelFile>");
    transfrom->description(); // returns "DataProcessing+DownsampleTraining(Example)+LoadStore(transformString=TransformFromModelFile)"
    bool newTransform;
    transform->simplify(newTransform)->description(); // returns "DataProcessing+Example+TransformFromModelFile"

Transform *make(const QString &description)

This is a protected function. Makes a child transform from a provided description by calling make with parent = this.

  • function definition:

    inline Transform *make(const QString &description)
  • parameters:

    Parameter Type Description
    description const QString & Description of the child transform
  • output: (Transform *) Returns a pointer to the created child transform