void projectMetadata(const File &src, File &dst)

This is a pure virtual function. It must be overloaded by all derived classes. Project a Template's metadata through the transform, modifying its contents in some way and storing the modified data in dst.

  • function definition:

    virtual void projectMetadata(const File &src, File &dst) const = 0
  • parameters:

    Parameter Type Description
    src const File & Input File. It is immutable
    dst File & Output File. Should contain the modified data from the input template.
  • output: (void)

  • example:
    class IncrementPropertyTransform : public MetadataTransform
        Q_PROPERTY(QString key READ get_key WRITE set_key RESET reset_key STORED false)
        BR_PROPERTY(QString, key, "")
        void projectMetadata(const File &src, File &dst) const
            dst = src;
            dst.set(key, src.get<int>(key, 0) + 1);
    BR_REGISTER(Transform, IncrementPropertyTransform)
    MetadataTransform *m_transform = (MetadataTransform *)Transform::make("IncrementProperty(property1)", NULL);
    File in("picture.jpg"), out;
    in.set("property1", 10);
    m_transform->projectMetadata(in, out);
    out.flat(); // Returns "picture.jpg[property1=11]"

void project(const Template &src, Template &dst)

Project a Template through the transform by passing its metadata through projectMetadata and storing the result in dst. All matrices in src are passed unchanged to dst.

  • function definition:

    void project(const Template &src, Template &dst) const
  • parameters:

    Parameter Type Description
    src const Template & Input Template. It is immutable
    dst Template & Output Template. Should contain the modified data from the input template.
  • output: (void)