void initialize(int &argc, char *argv[], QString sdkPath = "", bool useGui = true)

Call once at the start of the application to allocate global variables. If the project is a Qt project this call should occur after initializing QApplication.

  • function definition:

    static void initialize(int &argc, char *argv[], QString sdkPath = "", bool useGui = true);
  • parameters:

    Parameter Type Description
    argc int & Number of command line arguments as provided by main()
    argv char * [] Command line arguments as provided by main()
    sdkPath QString (Optional) The path to the folder containing share/openbr/openbr.bib. If no path is provided (default) OpenBR automatically searches:
    • The working directory
    • The executable's location
    useGui bool (Optional) Make OpenBR as a QApplication instead of a QCoreApplication. Default is true.
  • output: (void)

  • see: finalize
  • example:
    int main(int argc, char \*argv[])
        QApplication(argc, argv); // ONLY FOR QT PROJECTS
        br::Context::initialize(argc, argv);
        // ...
        return 0;

void finalize()

Call once at the end of the application to deallocate global variables.

  • function definition:

    static void finalize();
  • parameters: NONE

  • output: (void)
  • see: initialize

bool checkSDKPath(const QString &sdkPath)

Check if a given SDK path is valid. A valid SDK satisfies

exists(sdkPath + "share/openbr/openbr.bib")
  • function definition:

    static bool checkSDKPath(const QString &sdkPath);
  • parameters:

    Parameter Type Description
    sdkPath const QString & Possible sdk path to examine
  • output: (bool) Returns true if the sdkPath + "share/openbr/openbr.bib" exists, otherwise returns false.

  • example:
    // OpenBR is at /libs/openbr
    checkSDKPath("/libs/openbr/"); // returns true
    checkSDKPath("/libs/"); // returns false

QString about()

Get a string with the name, version, and copyright of the project. This string is suitable for printing or terminal.

  • function definition:

    static QString about();
  • parameters: NONE

  • output: (QString) Returns a string containing the name, version and copyright of the project
  • example:
    // Using OpenBR version 0.6.0
    Context::about(); // returns "OpenBR 0.6.0 Copyright (c) 2013 OpenBiometrics. All rights reserved."

QString version()

Get the version of the SDK.

  • function definition:

    static QString version();
  • parameters: NONE

  • output: (QString) Returns a string containing the version of the OpenBR SDK. The string has the format <MajorVersion>.<MinorVersion>.<PatchVersion>
  • example:
    // Using OpenBR version 0.6.0
    Context::version(); // returns "0.6.0"

QString scratchPath()

Get the scratch directory used by OpenBR. This directory should be used as the root directory for managing temporary files and providing process persistence.

  • function definition:

    static QString scratchPath();
  • parameters: NONE

  • output: (QString) Returns a string pointing to the OpenBR scratch directory. The string has the format <path/to/user/home><OpenBR-><MajorVersion>.<MinorVersion>.
  • see: version
  • example:
    // Using OpenBR version 0.6.0
    Context::scratchPath(); // returns "/path/to/user/home/OpenBR-0.6"

QStringList objects(const char *abstractions = ".*", const char *implementations = ".*", bool parameters = true)

Get a collection of objects in OpenBR that match provided regular expressions. This function uses QRegExp syntax.

  • function definition:

    static QStringList objects(const char *abstractions = ".*", const char *implementations = ".*", bool parameters = true)
  • parameters:

    Parameter | Type | Description
    --- | --- | ---
    abstractions | const char \* | (Optional) Regular expression of the abstractions to search. Default is ".\*"
    implementations | const char \* | (Optional) Regular expression of the implementations to search. Default is ".\*".
    parameters | bool | (Optional) If true include parameters after object name. Default is true.
  • output: (QStringList) Return names and parameters for the requested objects. Each object is newline separated. Arguments are separated from the object name with tabs.

  • example:
    // Find all 'Rnd' Transforms
    Context::objects("Transform", "Rnd.*", false); // returns ["RndPoint", "RndRegion", "RndRotate", "RndSample", "RndSubspace"]