Passes along n sequential frames to the next Transform.
For a video with m frames, AggregateFrames would create a total of m-n+1 sequences ([0,n] ... [m-n+1, m])
- file: video/aggregate.cpp
- inherits: TimeVaryingTransform
- author(s): Josh Klontz
- properties: None
Only use one frame every n frames.
- file: video/drop.cpp
- inherits: UntrainableMetaTransform
- author(s): [Austin Blanton][imaus10
For a video with m frames, DropFrames will pass on m/n frames.] * properties: None
Gets a one-channel dense optical flow from two images
- file: video/opticalflow.cpp
- inherits: UntrainableMetaTransform
- author(s): Austin Blanton
- properties: None