Find eye locations using an ASEF filter
- file: metadata/eyes.cpp
- inherits: UntrainableTransform
- author(s): Josh Klontz
- Bolme, D.S.; Draper, B.A.; Beveridge, J.R.;
"Average of Synthetic Exact Filters," Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2009. CVPR 2009. IEEE Conference on , vol., no., pp.2105-2112, 20-25 June 2009
- Bolme, D.S.; Draper, B.A.; Beveridge, J.R.;
properties: None
Remove a name from a point/rect
- file: metadata/anonymizelandmarks.cpp
- inherits: UntrainableMetadataTransform
- author(s): Scott Klum
- properties: None
Change the Template file extension
- file: metadata/as.cpp
- inherits: UntrainableMetadataTransform
- author(s): Josh Klontz
- properties: None
Averages a set of landmarks into a new landmark
- file: metadata/averagepoints.cpp
- inherits: UntrainableMetadataTransform
- author(s): Brendan Klare
- properties: None
Wraps OpenCV cascade classifier
- file: metadata/cascade.cpp
- inherits: MetaTransform
- author(s): Josh Klontz, David Crouse
- see:
- properties: None
Checks the points in a template for missing (-1,-1) values
- file: metadata/checkpoints.cpp
- inherits: UntrainableMetadataTransform
- author(s): Scott Klum
Property Type Description indices QList Indices of points to check.
Checks the Template for NaN values.
- file: metadata/check.cpp
- inherits: UntrainableMetaTransform
- author(s): Josh Klontz
- properties: None
Clears the points from a Template
- file: metadata/clearpoints.cpp
- inherits: UntrainableMetadataTransform
- author(s): Brendan Klare
- properties: None
Consolidate redundant/overlapping detections.
- file: metadata/consolidatedetections.cpp
- inherits: UntrainableMetadataTransform
- author(s): Brendan Klare
- properties: None
Crops the width and height of a Template rects by input width and height factors.
- file: metadata/croprect.cpp
- inherits: UntrainableMetadataTransform
- author(s): Scott Klum
- properties: None
Creates a Delaunay triangulation based on a set of points
- file: metadata/delaunay.cpp
- inherits: UntrainableTransform
- author(s): Scott Klum
- properties: None
Expand the width and height of a Template rects by input width and height factors.
- file: metadata/expandrect.cpp
- inherits: UntrainableTransform
- author(s): Charles Otto, Brendan Klare
- properties: None
Create matrix from metadata values.
- file: metadata/extractmetadata.cpp
- inherits: UntrainableMetaTransform
- author(s): Josh Klontz
- properties: None
Create face bounding box from two eye locations.
- file: metadata/facefromeyes.cpp
- inherits: UntrainableMetadataTransform
- author(s): Brendan Klare
Property Type Description widthPadding double Specifies what percentage of the interpupliary distance (ipd) will be padded in both horizontal directions. verticalLocation double specifies where vertically the eyes are within the bounding box (0.5 would be the center).
- file: metadata/fileexclusion.cpp
- inherits: UntrainableMetaTransform
- author(s): Unknown
- properties: None
Removes duplicate Template based on a unique metadata key
- file: metadata/filterdupemetadata.cpp
- inherits: TimeVaryingTransform
- author(s): Austin Blanton
- properties: None
Filters templates such that the only remaining template wills have metadata values witihin the the specified ranges.
- file: metadata/filtermetadata.cpp
- inherits: UntrainableMetaTransform
- author(s): Brendan Klare
Property Type Description key1 QString The meta-data key(s) to filter on value1 float The values to compare the values of key1 and key2 entires against compareType1 QString The comparison operation to perform. "le" -> val(key1) <= value1, "lt" -> val(key1) < value1, "ge" -> val(key1) >= value1, "gt" -> val(key1) > value1, "eq" -> val(key) == value1.
Add landmarks to the Template in a grid layout
- file: metadata/grid.cpp
- inherits: UntrainableTransform
- author(s): Josh Klontz
- properties: None
Add any ground truth to the Template using the file's base name.
- file: metadata/groundtruth.cpp
- inherits: UntrainableMetadataTransform
- author(s): Josh Klontz
- properties: None
Detects objects with OpenCV's built-in HOG detection.
- file: metadata/hogpersondetector.cpp
- inherits: UntrainableTransform
- author(s): Austin Blanton
- see:
- properties: None
Calculate interpupillary distance or the distance between two arbitrary points.
- file: metadata/ipd.cpp
- inherits: UntrainableMetadataTransform
- author(s): [Ben Klein][bhklein]
Property Type Description named bool Are the points named? firstEye QString First point's metadata key. secondEye QString Second point's metadata key. key QString Metadata key for distance. indices QList Indices of points in metadata if not named.
Clear Template without the required metadata.
- file: metadata/ifmetadata.cpp
- inherits: UntrainableMetadataTransform
- author(s): Josh Klontz
- properties: None
Impostor Uniqueness Measure
- file: metadata/imposteruniquenessmeasure.cpp
- inherits: Transform
- author(s): Josh Klontz
- properties: None
Represent the metadata as JSON template data.
- file: metadata/json.cpp
- inherits: UntrainableMetaTransform
- author(s): Josh Klontz
- properties: None
Preserve the contents of the input template, updating just the specified metadata keys.
- file: metadata/savemat.cpp
- inherits: UntrainableMetaTransform
- author(s): Josh Klontz
- properties: None
Retains only the values for the keys listed, to reduce template size
- file: metadata/keepmetadata.cpp
- inherits: UntrainableMetadataTransform
- author(s): Scott Klum
- properties: None
Wraps OpenCV Key Point Detector
- file: metadata/keypointdetector.cpp
- inherits: UntrainableTransform
- author(s): Josh Klontz
- see:
- properties: None
Convert values of key_X, key_Y, key_Width, key_Height to a rect.
- file: metadata/keytorect.cpp
- inherits: UntrainableMetadataTransform
- author(s): [Jordan Cheney][JordanCheney]
- properties: None
Name a point/rect
- file: metadata/namelandmarks.cpp
- inherits: UntrainableMetadataTransform
- author(s): Scott Klum
- properties: None
Sets the Template matrix data to the br::File::name.
- file: metadata/name.cpp
- inherits: UntrainableMetaTransform
- author(s): Josh Klontz
- properties: None
Normalize a floating point metadata item to be between -1 and 1. Useful for classifier labels.
- file: metadata/normalizemetadata.cpp
- inherits: UntrainableMetadataTransform
- author(s): Scott Klum
Property Type Description inputVariable QString Metadata key for the item to scale. Default is empty string. min float Minimum possible value for the metadata item (will be scaled to -1). Default is -1. min float Maximum possible value for the metadata item (will be scaled to 1). Default is 1.
Scales a floating point metadata item by index
- file: metadata/normalizepointstorect.cpp
- inherits: UntrainableTransform
- author(s): Scott Klum
Property Type Description index int Index of rect to normalize points with. If negative, will normalize the points to the width of the matrix. Default is -1.
Normalize points to be relative to a single point
- file: metadata/normalizepoints.cpp
- inherits: UntrainableMetadataTransform
- author(s): Scott Klum
- properties: None
Normalize points to be relative to a single point
- file: metadata/pointdisplacement.cpp
- inherits: UntrainableMetadataTransform
- author(s): Scott Klum
- properties: None
Converts either the file::points() list or a QList
- file: metadata/pointstomatrix.cpp
- inherits: UntrainableTransform
- author(s): Scott Klum
- properties: None
Procrustes alignment of points
- file: metadata/procrustes.cpp
- inherits: MetadataTransform
- author(s): Scott Klum
- properties: None
Convert a rect to X, Y, Width, and Height. Handy for saving universal templates.
- file: metadata/recttokeys.cpp
- inherits: UntrainableMetadataTransform
- author(s): Austin Blanton
- properties: None
For each rectangle bounding box in src, the mat is cropped and appended the the template's list of mats.
- file: metadata/rectstomats.cpp
- inherits: UntrainableTransform
- author(s): Brendan Klare
- properties: None
For each rectangle bounding box in src, a new Template is created.
- file: metadata/rectstotemplates.cpp
- inherits: UntrainableMetaTransform
- author(s): Brendan Klare
- properties: None
Apply the input regular expression to the value of inputProperty, store the matched portion in outputProperty.
- file: metadata/regexproperty.cpp
- inherits: UntrainableMetadataTransform
- author(s): Charles Otto
- properties: None
Removes a metadata field from all Template
- file: metadata/removemetadata.cpp
- inherits: UntrainableMetadataTransform
- author(s): Brendan Klare
- properties: None
Remove Template with the specified file extension or metadata value.
- file: metadata/removetemplates.cpp
- inherits: UntrainableMetaTransform
- author(s): Josh Klontz
- properties: None
Rename first found metadata key
- file: metadata/renamefirst.cpp
- inherits: UntrainableMetadataTransform
- author(s): Josh Klontz
- properties: None
Rename metadata key
- file: metadata/rename.cpp
- inherits: UntrainableMetadataTransform
- author(s): Josh Klontz
- properties: None
Reorder the points such that points[from[i]] becomes points[to[i]] and vice versa
- file: metadata/reorderpoints.cpp
- inherits: UntrainableMetadataTransform
- author(s): Scott Klum
- properties: None
Set the last matrix of the input Template to a matrix stored as metadata with input propName.
Also removes the property from the Templates metadata after restoring it.
- file: metadata/restoremat.cpp
- inherits: UntrainableMetaTransform
- author(s): Charles Otto
- properties: None
Store the last matrix of the input Template as a metadata key with input property name.
- file: metadata/savemat.cpp
- inherits: UntrainableMetaTransform
- author(s): Charles Otto
- properties: None
Scales a floating point metadata item by factor
- file: metadata/scalemetadata.cpp
- inherits: UntrainableMetadataTransform
- author(s): Scott Klum
Property Type Description inputVariable QString Metadata key for the item to scale. Default is empty string. factor float Floating point factor to scale the item. Default is 1.
Scales a rectangle either by pixel value or factor.
- file: metadata/scalerects.cpp
- inherits: UntrainableTransform
- author(s): Scott Klum
Property Type Description index int Index of rect to scale. left int Number of pixels to scale the left of the rect. top int Number of pixels to scale the top of the rect. right int Number of pixels to scale the right of the rect. bottom int Number of pixels to scale the bottom of the rect. factor float Scale factor.
Retains only landmarks/points at the provided indices
- file: metadata/selectpoints.cpp
- inherits: UntrainableMetadataTransform
- author(s): Brendan Klare
- properties: None
Sets the metadata key/value pair.
- file: metadata/setmetadata.cpp
- inherits: UntrainableMetadataTransform
- author(s): Josh Klontz
- properties: None
Set points relative to a rect
- file: metadata/setpointsinrect.cpp
- inherits: UntrainableMetadataTransform
- author(s): [Jordan Cheney][JordanCheney]
- properties: None
Creates a bounding square around three points (typically the two eyes and the chin).
- file: metadata/squarefrompoints.cpp
- inherits: UntrainableMetadataTransform
- author(s): Scott Klum
Property Type Description eyeL int index of left eye point. eyeR int Index of right eye point. chin int Index of chin point.
Wraps STASM key point detector
- file: metadata/stasm4.cpp
- inherits: UntrainableTransform
- author(s): Scott Klum
- properties: None
Gives time elapsed over a specified Transform as a function of both images (or frames) and pixels.
- file: metadata/stopwatch.cpp
- inherits: MetaTransform
- author(s): [Jordan Cheney][JordanCheney], Josh Klontz
- properties: None
Check if a the automated face detection contains the landmarks correpsonding to the tempate metadata. If not, drop the template. This is meant for use during training, where the landmarks will be ground truth'd. If one wants to using a ground truth bounding box instead, then convert the BB to a landmark.
- file: metadata/verifydetection.cpp
- inherits: UntrainableMetaTransform
- author(s): Brendan Klare
Property Type Description index int Index of the landmark to be used.