void init()

This is a virtual function. It is meant to be overloaded by derived classes if they need to initialize internal variables. The default constructor of derived objects should never be overloaded.

  • function definition:

    virtual void init()
  • parameters: NONE

  • output: (void)

void store(QDataStream &stream)

This is a virtual function. Serialize an object to a QDataStream. The default implementation serializes each property and its value to disk.

  • function definition:

    virtual void store(QDataStream &stream) const
  • parameters:

    Parameter Type Description
    stream QDataStream & Stream to store serialized data
  • output: (void)

void load(QDataStream &stream)

This is a virtual function. Deserialize an item from a QDataStream. Elements can be deserialized in the same order in which they were serialized. The default implementation deserializes a value for each property and then calls init.

  • function definition:

    virtual void load(QDataStream &stream);
  • parameters:

    Parameter Type Description
    stream QDataStream & Stream to deserialize data from
  • output: (void)

void serialize(QDataStream &stream)

This is a virtual function. Serialize an entire plugin to a QDataStream. This function is larger in scope then store. It stores the string describing the plugin and then calls store to serialize its parameters. This has the benefit of being able to deserialize an entire plugin (or series of plugins) from a stored model file.

  • function definition:

    virtual void serialize(QDataStream &stream) const
  • parameters:

    Parameter Type Description
    stream QDataStream & Stream to store serialized data
  • output: (void)

QStringList parameters()

Get a string describing the parameters of the object

  • function definition:

    QStringList parameters() const
  • parameters: NONE

  • output: (QStringList) Returns a list of the parameters to a function
  • example:
    class ExampleTransform : public Transform
        Q_PROPERTY(int property1 READ get_property1 WRITE set_property1 RESET reset_property1 STORED false)
        Q_PROPERTY(float property2 READ get_property2 WRITE set_property2 RESET reset_property2 STORED false)
        Q_PROPERTY(QString property3 READ get_property3 WRITE set_property3 RESET reset_property3 STORED false)
        BR_PROPERTY(int, property1, 1)
        BR_PROPERTY(float, property2, 2.5)
        BR_PROPERTY(QString, property3, "Value")
    BR_REGISTER(Transform, ExampleTransform)
    Factory<Transform>::make(".Example")->parameters(); // returns ["int property1 = 1", "float property2 = 2.5", "QString property3 = Value"]

QStringList prunedArguments(bool expanded = false)

Get a string describing the user-specified parameters of the object. This means that parameters using their default value are not returned.

  • function definition:

    QStringList prunedArguments(bool expanded = false) const
  • parameters:

    Parameter Type Description
    expanded bool (Optional) If true, expand all abbreviations or model files into their full description strings. Default is false.
  • output: (QStringList) Returns a list of all of the user specified parameters of the object

  • example:
    class ExampleTransform : public Transform
        Q_PROPERTY(int property1 READ get_property1 WRITE set_property1 RESET reset_property1 STORED false)
        Q_PROPERTY(float property2 READ get_property2 WRITE set_property2 RESET reset_property2 STORED false)
        Q_PROPERTY(QString property3 READ get_property3 WRITE set_property3 RESET reset_property3 STORED false)
        BR_PROPERTY(int, property1, 1)
        BR_PROPERTY(float, property2, 2.5)
        BR_PROPERTY(QString, property3, "Value")
    BR_REGISTER(Transform, ExampleTransform)
    Factory<Transform>::make(".Example")->prunedArguments(); // returns []
    Factory<Transform>::make(".Example(property1=10)")->prunedArguments(); // returns ["property1=10"]
    Factory<Transform>::make(".Example(property1=10,property3=NewValue)")->prunedArguments(); // returns ["property1=10", "property3=NewValue"]

QString argument(int index, bool expanded)

Get a string value of the argument at a provided index. An index of 0 returns the name of the object.

  • function definition:

    QString argument(int index, bool expanded) const
  • parameters:

    Parameter Type Description
    index int Index of the parameter to look up
    expanded bool If true, expand all abbreviations or model files into their full description strings.
  • output: (QString) Returns a string value for the lookup argument

  • example:
    class ExampleTransform : public Transform
        Q_PROPERTY(int property1 READ get_property1 WRITE set_property1 RESET reset_property1 STORED false)
        Q_PROPERTY(float property2 READ get_property2 WRITE set_property2 RESET reset_property2 STORED false)
        Q_PROPERTY(QString property3 READ get_property3 WRITE set_property3 RESET reset_property3 STORED false)
        BR_PROPERTY(int, property1, 1)
        BR_PROPERTY(float, property2, 2.5)
        BR_PROPERTY(QString, property3, "Value")
    BR_REGISTER(Transform, ExampleTransform)
    Factory<Transform>::make(".Example")->argument(0, false); // returns "Example"
    Factory<Transform>::make(".Example")->argument(1, false); // returns "1"
    Factory<Transform>::make(".Example")->argument(2, false); // returns "2.5"

QString description(bool expanded = false)

This is a virtual function. Get a description of the object. The description includes the name and any user-defined parameters of the object. Parameters that retain their default value are not included.

  • function definition:

    virtual QString description(bool expanded = false) const
  • parameters:

    Parameter Type Description
    expanded bool (Optional) If true, expand all abbreviations or model files into their full description strings. Default is false.
  • output: (QString) Returns a string describing the object

  • example:
    class ExampleTransform : public Transform
        Q_PROPERTY(int property1 READ get_property1 WRITE set_property1 RESET reset_property1 STORED false)
        Q_PROPERTY(float property2 READ get_property2 WRITE set_property2 RESET reset_property2 STORED false)
        Q_PROPERTY(QString property3 READ get_property3 WRITE set_property3 RESET reset_property3 STORED false)
        BR_PROPERTY(int, property1, 1)
        BR_PROPERTY(float, property2, 2.5)
        BR_PROPERTY(QString, property3, "Value")
    BR_REGISTER(Transform, ExampleTransform)
    Factory<Transform>::make(".Example")->description(); // returns "Example"
    qDebug() << Factory<Transform>::make(".Example(property3=NewValue)")->description(); // returns "Example(property3=NewValue)"

void setProperty(const QString &name, QVariant value)

Set a property with a provided name to a provided value. This function overloads QObject::setProperty so that it can handle OpenBR data types. If the provided name is not a property of the object nothing happens. If the provided name is a property but the provided value is not a valid type an error is thrown.

  • function definition:

    void setProperty(const QString &name, QVariant value)
  • parameters:

    Parameter Type Description
    name const QString & Name of the property to set
    value QVariant Value to set the property to
  • output: (void)

  • see: setPropertyRecursive, setExistingProperty
  • example:
    class ExampleTransform : public Transform
        Q_PROPERTY(int property1 READ get_property1 WRITE set_property1 RESET reset_property1 STORED false)
        Q_PROPERTY(float property2 READ get_property2 WRITE set_property2 RESET reset_property2 STORED false)
        Q_PROPERTY(QString property3 READ get_property3 WRITE set_property3 RESET reset_property3 STORED false)
        BR_PROPERTY(int, property1, 1)
        BR_PROPERTY(float, property2, 2.5)
        BR_PROPERTY(QString, property3, "Value")
    BR_REGISTER(Transform, ExampleTransform)
    QScopedPointer<Transform> transform(Factory<Transform>::make(".Example"));
    transform->parameters(); // returns ["int property1 = 1", "float property2 = 2.5", "QString property3 = Value"]
    transform->setProperty("property1", QVariant::fromValue<int>(10));
    transform->parameters(); // returns ["int property1 = 10", "float property2 = 2.5", "QString property3 = Value"]
    transform->setProperty("property1", QVariant::fromValue<QString>("Value")); // ERROR: incorrect type

bool setPropertyRecursive(const QString &name, QVariant value)

Set a property of the object or the object's children to a provided value. The recursion is only single level; the children of the the objects children will not be affected. Only the first property found is set. This means that if a parent and a child have the same property only the parent's property is set.

  • function definition:

    virtual bool setPropertyRecursive(const QString &name, QVariant value)
  • parameters:

    Parameter Type Description
    name const QString & Name of the property to set
    value QVariant Value to set the property to
  • output: (bool) Returns true if the property is set in either the object or its children

  • see: setProperty, setExistingProperty, getChildren
  • example:
    class ChildTransform : public Transform
        Q_PROPERTY(int property1 READ get_property1 WRITE set_property1 RESET reset_property1 STORED false)
        Q_PROPERTY(float property2 READ get_property2 WRITE set_property2 RESET reset_property2 STORED false)
        BR_PROPERTY(int, property1, 2)
        BR_PROPERTY(int, property2, 2.5)
    BR_REGISTER(Transform, ChildTransform)
    class ParentTransform : public Transform
        Q_PROPERTY(br::Transform *child READ get_child WRITE set_child RESET reset_child STORED false)
        Q_PROPERTY(int property1 READ get_property1 WRITE set_property1 RESET reset_property1 STORED false)
        BR_PROPERTY(br::Transform*, child, Factory<Transform>::make(".Child"))
        BR_PROPERTY(int, property1, 1)
    QScopedPointer<Transform> parent(Factory<Transform>::make(".Parent"));
    parent->parameters(); // returns ["br::Transform* child = ", "int property1 = 1"]
    parent->getChildren<Transform>().first()->parameters(); // returns ["int property1 = 2", "float property2 = 2"]
    parent->setPropertyRecursive("property1", QVariant::fromValue<int>(10));
    parent->parameters(); // returns ["br::Transform* child = ", "int property1 = 10"]
    parent->getChildren<Transform>().first()->parameters(); // returns ["int property1 = 2", "float property2 = 2"]
    parent->setPropertyRecursive("property2", QVariant::fromValue<float>(10.5));
    parent->parameters(); // returns ["br::Transform* child = ", "int property1 = 10"]
    parent->getChildren<Transform>().first()->parameters(); // returns ["int property1 = 2", "float property2 = 10"]

bool setExistingProperty(const QString &name, QVariant value)

Attempt to set a property to a provided value. If the provided value is not a valid type for the given property an error is thrown.

  • function definition:

    bool setExistingProperty(const QString &name, QVariant value)
  • parameters:

    Parameter Type Description
    name const QString & Name of the property to set
    value QVariant Value to set the property to
  • output: (bool) Returns true if the provided property exists and can be set to the provided value, otherwise returns false

  • example:
    class ExampleTransform : public Transform
        Q_PROPERTY(int property1 READ get_property1 WRITE set_property1 RESET reset_property1 STORED false)
        Q_PROPERTY(float property2 READ get_property2 WRITE set_property2 RESET reset_property2 STORED false)
        BR_PROPERTY(int, property1, 2)
        BR_PROPERTY(int, property2, 2.5)
    BR_REGISTER(Transform, ExampleTransform)
    QScopedPointer<Transform> transform(Factory<Transform>::make(".Child"));
    transform->setExistingProperty("property1", QVariant::fromValue<int>(10)); // returns true
    transform->parameters(); // returns ["int property1 = 10", "float property2 = 2"]
    transform->setExistingProperty("property3", QVariant::fromValue<int>(10)); // returns false
    transform->setExistingProperty("property1", QVariant::fromValue<QString>("Hello")); // ERROR: incorrect type

QList<Object *> getChildren()

This is a virtual function. Get all of the children of the object. The default implementation looks for children in the properties of the object. A derived object should overload this function if it needs to provide children from a different source.

  • function definition:
    virtual QList<Object *> getChildren() const
  • parameters: NONE
  • output: (QList<Object *>) Returns a list of all of the children of the object
  • example:
    class ChildTransform : public Transform
        Q_PROPERTY(int property1 READ get_property1 WRITE set_property1 RESET reset_property1 STORED false)
        Q_PROPERTY(float property2 READ get_property2 WRITE set_property2 RESET reset_property2 STORED false)
        BR_PROPERTY(int, property1, 2)
        BR_PROPERTY(int, property2, 2.5)
    BR_REGISTER(Transform, ChildTransform)
    class ParentTransform : public Transform
        Q_PROPERTY(br::Transform *child READ get_child WRITE set_child RESET reset_child STORED false)
        Q_PROPERTY(int property1 READ get_property1 WRITE set_property1 RESET reset_property1 STORED false)
        BR_PROPERTY(br::Transform *, child, Factory<Transform>::make(".Child"))
        BR_PROPERTY(int, property1, 1)
    BR_REGISTER(Transform, ParentTransform)
    QScopedPointer<Transform> transform(Factory<Transform>::make(".Parent"));
    transform->getChildren(); // returns [br::ChildTransform(0x7fc10bf01050, name = "Child")]
    transform->getChildren().first()->parameters(); // returns ["int property1 = 2", "float property2 = 2"]

QList<T *> getChildren()

Provides a wrapper on getChildren as a convenience to allow the return type (T) to be specified. T must be a derived class of Object.

  • function definition:

    template<typename T>
    QList<T *> getChildren() const
  • parameters: NONE

  • output: (QList<T *>) Returns a list of all of the children of the object, casted to type T. T must be a derived class of Object
  • example:
    class ChildTransform : public Transform
        Q_PROPERTY(int property1 READ get_property1 WRITE set_property1 RESET reset_property1 STORED false)
        Q_PROPERTY(float property2 READ get_property2 WRITE set_property2 RESET reset_property2 STORED false)
        BR_PROPERTY(int, property1, 2)
        BR_PROPERTY(int, property2, 2.5)
    BR_REGISTER(Transform, ChildTransform)
    class ParentTransform : public Transform
        Q_PROPERTY(br::Transform *child READ get_child WRITE set_child RESET reset_child STORED false)
        Q_PROPERTY(int property1 READ get_property1 WRITE set_property1 RESET reset_property1 STORED false)
        BR_PROPERTY(br::Transform *, child, Factory<Transform>::make(".Child"))
        BR_PROPERTY(int, property1, 1)
    BR_REGISTER(Transform, ParentTransform)
    QScopedPointer<Transform> transform(Factory<Transform>::make(".Parent"));
    transform->getChildren<Transform>(); // returns [br::ChildTransform(0x7fc10bf01050, name = "Child")]
    transform->getChildren<Transform>().first()->parameters(); // returns ["int property1 = 2", "float property2 = 2"]